Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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C/C++ Source or Header
180 lines
/* File: GetRsrcList.c */
/* */
/* Given the name of a file, */
/* return a list of all the */
/* resources in that file. The */
/* list contains 1 line per */
/* resource with the following */
/* format: */
/* */
/* item1 == Resource Type */
/* item2 == Resource ID */
/* item3 == Resource name */
/* */
/* If the resource fork is empty*/
/* or non-existent, return empty*/
/* */
/* ---------------------------- */
/* ⌐1990 Donald Koscheka */
/* All Rights Reserved */
#define UsingHypercard
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <OSUtil.h>
#include <MemoryMgr.h>
#include <FileMgr.h>
#include <ResourceMgr.h>
#include <pascal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <hfs.h>
#include "HyperXCmd.h"
#include "HyperUtils.h"
#define nil 0L
/*** definition of resource header ***/
typedef struct {
long r_data_offset;
long r_map_offset;
long r_data_size;
long r_map_size;
char r_reserved[112];
char r_application[128];
} resHdr, *resHdrPtr, **resHdrHand;
/*** definition of resource map ***/
typedef struct {
long r_header[4]; /* duplicates first 16 bytes in header */
long next_map;
short f_ref;
short attributes;
short r_type_list;
short r_name_list;
} resMap, *resMapPtr, **resMapHand;
/*** definition of type list entry ***/
typedef struct {
char r_type[4]; /*** this resource type ***/
short r_count; /*** number of resources of this type ***/
short r_ref; /*** offset from start of type list to ***/
/*** reference list for resources of ***/
/*** this type (not used here) ***/
} resTyp, *resTypPtr, **resTypHand;
/*** definition of resource type list ***/
typedef struct {
short r_count; /* 0..n */
resTyp r_typ[]; /* array of type entries */
} resTypeList, *resTypeListPtr, **resTypeListHand;
/*** definition of resource reference list ***/
typedef struct {
short r_id;
short r_name; /* offset from start of name list to this name */
long r_offset; /* offset to date (hi byte == attributes */
Handle r_handle; /* handle when resource is in memory */
} resRef, *resRefPtr, **resRefHand;
pascal void main( paramPtr )
XCmdBlockPtr paramPtr;
resMapPtr rMap = NIL;
resTypeListPtr rTL;
resTypPtr rTyp;
resRefPtr rRef;
Handle rsrcList = NIL; /* the output */
resHdr rHdr;
Str31 fName; /* name of the file */
short ref;
OSErr err;
long temp;
short i,j; /* loop counters */
Str255 str;
paramPtr->returnValue = NIL; /* prepare for the worst */
/* (but plan for the best) */
if( paramPtr->params[0] ){
HLock( paramPtr->params[0] );
ZeroToPas( paramPtr, *(paramPtr->params[0]), &fName );
HUnlock( paramPtr->params[0] );
err = (short)OpenRF( &fName, -1, &ref );
if( !err ) /*** Move to start of file and read header ***/
err = SetFPos( ref, fsFromStart, 0L );
if( !err ){ /*** read in the resource header ***/
temp = (long)sizeof( resHdr );
err = FSRead( ref, &temp, &rHdr );
if( !err ) /*** Move to the start of the map and read it in ***/
err = SetFPos( ref, fsFromStart, rHdr.r_map_offset );
if( !err ){
rMap = (resMapPtr)NewPtr( rHdr.r_map_size );
err = FSRead( ref, &rHdr.r_map_size, rMap);
if( !err ){
/*** this calculation doesn't seem correct ***/
rTL = (resTypeListPtr)((long)rMap + (long)(rMap->r_type_list));
/*** move to the start of the reference list ***/
rTyp = (resTypPtr)((long)rTL + (long)sizeof( short ));
/* Allocate handle for the output list */
if( rsrcList = NewHandle( 0L ) ){
for( i = 0; i <= rTL->r_count; i++ ){
rRef = (resRefPtr)((long)rTL + (long)rTyp->r_ref );
for( j = 0; j <= rTyp->r_count; j++ ){
/*** read the reference list entry int ***/
/*** add this type & id to the output list ***/
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, (char)rTyp->r_type[0]);
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, (char)rTyp->r_type[1]);
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, (char)rTyp->r_type[2]);
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, (char)rTyp->r_type[3]);
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, ',');
/*** convert the id to a string and add to list ***/
NumToStr( paramPtr, (long)rRef->r_id, &str );
pStrToField( (char *)str, '\r', rsrcList );
}/* for j = 0 to the number of resources of this type */
}/* for i = 0 to the number of resource types */
}/* if( rsrcList allocated */
AppendCharToHandle( rsrcList, '\0' );
if( rMap )
DisposPtr( (Ptr)rMap );
/*** Only reach here if file was opened ***/
err = FSClose( ref );
paramPtr->returnValue = rsrcList;